Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The week we went HAM (Hyped Asker Missionaries)

Hei hei! Hvordan gàr det? Det går kjempe bra med meg, og jeg gleder meg til å fortelle dere om hva vi har gjort i det sist.

It has been a crazy week with lots of ups and downs but overall it has been a fantastic week! Last Monday we were able to receive a new investigator. We were so pumped! We had been trying to get in contact with this lady seeing as she had been taught the Joseph Smith story, set up a baptismal date, and just seemed very positive. We had tried and tried to get in contact with her without any luck. So after we received a text from our Monday night appointment saying she needed to cancel, I felt the prompting that we needed to try and contact this lady again. We drove out to her house, said a quick prayer, and knocked on her door. She opened the door and quickly invited us in. Miracle! We sat and talked with her for an hour and it was just amazing. We set up a return appointment and headed home where we drop to our knees and thanked our Father in Heaven that we could meet this lady and have such a spiritually uplifting experience together. It was a really amazing experience and a big testimony builder.

The next day was a day full of meetings and learning how we can be better Missionaries. We ended our day with a family from the church and did a little family home evening together. We were also able to get another new investigator since the family had invited a friend of theirs who we had already been taught a lesson to.  So in the past two days we had gotten two new investigators and we were so excited. Then on Wednesday Søster Petersen had to leave us and go attend another meeting in Oslo, so it was just Søster Love and I for the day. We only had one dinner appointmentand the rest of our day was open. 

We woke up early and went and dropped Søster Petersen off at the train station and then headed back to the apartment to do our studies. We decided that it would be awesome if we could get 1 or maybe even 2 new investigators before Søster Petersen finished her meeting in Oslo and we had to go pick her up.  We decided we were going to go H A M and be the best Missionaries we could possibly be. We decided to read a Jeffrey R Holland talk for companionship study to get us pumped up. We then multitasked during the language study and memorize the Norwegian birthday song as we organized our storage closet. While going through our storage closet we actually found a few names and phone numbers of people who had been in contact with the missionaries in 2008 through 2013 (which sadly probably does mean that no one had cleaned out that closet since 2013). We put those in our binder with all our other names and numbers, quickly talked to our landlord, and headed on our way to start off the best day ever. 

Our first stop was to a member in the ward who had been sick. We dropped off soup, soda, and a card and did our best to just uplift her in anyway we could. The plan after that was to go park our car at the church and then talk to people around the area but it looked like it was about to rain so we decided to call all of those people who we had found in the storage closet. We were doing pretty well and calling every number we had. We ended up getting two new investigators by the time the elder showed up to the church and we were all so pumped. We decided to just continue to call people since we were having such great success and ended up with four new investigators by the time we had to leave for our dinner appointment. We had also made a previous school to hand out five Books of Mormon that day but haven't been able to hit the streets all day and then all of a sudden while we were on our way to our dinner appointment I spotted a lady walking on the sidewalk and felt the prompting that we need to talk to her. He pulled off to the side of the road, hopped out of the car and started talking to this lady. By the end of our conversation she was walking away with a Book of Mormon in hand. We eventually made it to our dinner appointment and had a wonderful time there and then it was time to go and pick Søster Petersen up at the Mission home. We got there and got to share the news of our wonderful day with Søster Petersen, President Hill and his wife it was awesome!   All in all we had a fantastic day and were able to get four new investigators and seven other people who wanted us to call back. It was a miracle and don't you worry we definitely said a thank you prayer. We are just so blessed. I just wanted to end with my testimony.

I know this church is true and I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to bring it to the people of Norway and to get to be a part of the every day miracles, I know that our Father in Heaven loves us and cares for us as well as his son Jesus Christ, and both are there to help us when we need it. They are just One prayer away. I hope you all have a fantastic week and that you all come to know and feel of the love of our Father in Heaven has for each and everyone of us. I love you all and hope to hear from you all next week.

Med Vennlig Hilsen,
Søster Blankmeyer 

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