Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hei hei alle sammen! Hvordan går det?  I hope all is well and that you all have had a wonderful week. Things have kind of been a roller coaster over here for us.  However, I'd say overall it was a good week. After finishing emailing last week, we headed over to a dinner appointment which would be the first of many. I absolutely love that Family and they are especially awesome because both of the parents attended BYU.  They have raised their children to love BYU as well. Crazy how even in Norway you can find Norwegian BYU fans! It's awesome and our dinner with them was definitely one of the highlights of the week. 
last pic with Søster Hess my friend from the MTC

The next day we had another amazing district meeting about how the Bible and the book of Mormon support each other. It was a way fun and interesting discussion.  I am more pumped than ever before to dive into my scriptures studies and continue to learn. Lately, I've been reading in a book entitled Jesus the Christ. It kind of expands on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ using examples from The Book of Mormon and the Bible and I've absolutely loved it! I love learning and growing and especially learning about my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have seen my relationship with my Father in Heaven and his son, Jesus Christ grow as I study and learn about them and try my best to emulate their perfect example. I saw this in practice this week, as I'll talk about later on, but just being able to learn and grow and try to be like Jesus (as the primary song teaches us) has blessed my life in so many ways. 

After district meeting we headed to another dinner appointment with another amazing family. We had invited this family to invite a friend over as well and leave it up to those amazing Norwegian members we showed up and they came through. One of the daughters in the family had invited one of her guy friends over for dinner.  He even participated in our lesson afterwards. It was way cool to see the members here participate in missionary work and I would invite you all to have the missionaries over and invite a friend who you think would benefit from the message. After that dinner appointment we headed over to our relief society presidents house and got terribly lost along the way. I think we were driving around Norway for over an hour just trying to find her house. We eventually found it and were able to talk with her about how we can be a better help as missionaries in the ward. We even had a wonderful gospel discussion afterwards. 

Wednesday was quite the fun day for us sisters here in Asker. Our mission president and his wife decided that enough was enough after visiting the Elders in Narvik.  (their apartment was being held together by duct tape and string with only two working lightbulbs) They decided to give all us missionaries an extra P day to clean out and organize our apartments. That ended up taking all of Wednesday for us and I didn't even think our apartment was that bad. We started cleaning though and it was like night and day. We scrub the walls and you could see a line where we had scrubbed versus where we had not scrubbed. By the end of the day though we had a spotless apartment and we're very proud of all the hard work we had put into it. 

the dirty can see where we cleaned it. 

The next day we got to go and visit another amazing member in the ward and let me tell you, the elders and my fellow sisters and I could not stop laughing. This member was cracking us up. She is such a hoot! She's also a very sweet and very spiritual lady but she knows how to have a good time and loves to laugh as well. She is now one of my favorite members in the ward and I hope we get to visit her again sometime soon. 

After this point in the week all is going fine and dandy, and then we decided to give one of our investigators a call. This is where learning and trying to emulate Christ comes in handy. This specific investigator had gotten onto YouTube and had found some pretty hard-core anti-Mormon material and was not afraid to tell us we were wrong. He had become scared of the Mormon church, and rightfully so as the creators of this anti-Mormon material make us out to be something very frightening and something we are definitely not! It ended up being a very hard phone call and we were all in tears after all was said and done.  I mean, we get rejected and told we are stupid almost every day on the street. But this was about an hour long phone call of just slam after slam from someone who we had grown a relationship with and at one point even considered a miracle story. When we first met him, he was so prepared. He wanted to learn more about God and Jesus Christ.  He was honestly searching for the truth but Satan works in mysterious ways and knew exactly how to get to him. Although it was really tough to hear someone tell me that what I believed in was wrong, it only strengthened my testimony in what I believe. I hope I was able to emulate Christ in that moment as I just tried to show love and just try to do as the Savior would in that situation. Yes it was tough, but we get the opportunity to take that experience and learn and grow and try to be better next time. 

To end on a more happy note, Søster Pederson, Søster Love and I will all be together again for another six weeks and have the chance to make some more fun memories. We had an amazing Sunday and we were able to end the week with a fireside from a BYU professor. He blew us away with all of his knowledge. I am so thankful for all the good and all of the hard experiences I have had thus far on my mission and for all of the chances I have had to learn and grow and try to be better and follow my savior. I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week.

Love Søster Blankmeyer 
PS Big shout out to my wonderful grandparents, grandma Carol and grandpa Dick for the outstanding cards! They are beyond perfect and I am way pumped to use them!

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