companion fun!! |
Alright friends and family! We decided to go on one of the amazing Norwegian hikes that Norway is famous for. However, we ended up taking a lot of our PDay doing that so this will be a very short and probably pretty lame blog post this week... so I'm sorry for that! Like the title says, I am now officially a trainer! Søster Petersen and I will be helping to train Søster Love . We will show her the ropes on how to be a missionary in Norway! We are so pumped! Søster Love used to live here in Drammen, Norway for a bit when she was younger seeing as her mother is a native Norwegian. She grew up speaking Norwegian and so she was only in the MTC for a short 3 weeks before they sent her out to Norway and eventually to Asker with Søster Petersen and I. It's been a really amazing experience being a trainer and even though I've been a trainer for about 3 or 4 days now I can already tell how much of a difference it has made in me as a missionary. Having the responsibility of helping and serving my companions and especially Søster Love has not only been a real privilege but a good testimony builder as well. I have been trying my best to be the best missionary and best companion that I can be and work on myself this past week so that I can be the best trainer I can be. It's really an honor to be trusted so much to be a new missionary's guide to the mission life. Søster Love is absolutely fantastic (as is Søster Petersen) and although I'm sure she could do this all on her own, I'm honored to be one of the missionaries that gets to help her begin this journey.
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Last night we got home from one of our dinner appointments at President's house and we began to work on the 12 week program that all new missionaries and their trainers are supposed to go through during the first 12 weeks in the land and Søster Petersen and I got to bear our testimonies on how the mission can change you if you let it. I have already seen the change that I have gone through and I am so glad to be able to allow myself to progress. There is nothing better than letting the Lord work with you and help you to be a better person. Okay the library is about to close so I guess this is it as far as this blog post goes but just know that I love you all and pray for you all back home and I promise to write a better post next week! Keep up the great work and enjoy the journey!
Søster Blankmeyer
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