Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Good old 7-11

7 months out 11 to go

Well everyone, it's been quite the week here in Asker and I can't wait to tell you all about it.  But first I want to give a big thank you to Rebecca Dover for the cute card and also a major thanks to my mom and family for the absolutely amazing package. It really made my week! Speaking of my week, Soster Love and I were able to witness many miracles and really see the difference this gospel can make in peoples lives. I can't wait to share some of our experiences with all of you. 

It all started Wednesday night when we got a call from our district leader.  He told us how the zone leaders wanted to get the zone pumped and so they were going to choose a couple people and give them a challenge. Sure enough Søster Love and I were among the lucky two companionship's that were delivered this challenge. Shortly after we had gotten off the phone with our district leader, the zone leaders called and extended the challenge. They told us it was going to be a competition between the Asker sisters (us) and the Draman Elders and that whoever could invite the most people to be baptized would be the winner. 

Well, Søster Love and I are both pretty competitive people so we were determined to win. But we also wanted to be sure that we didn't just invite people to make such an important promise with our Heavenly Father just to add another number to our ranks. We decided to sit down and really think about all of our investigators and discuss which ones were ready for the baptismal invitation. We came up with a list of about eight of our investigators and then picked dates for each of them. We only had about four days to invite all of these people to be baptized but everything was pretty last minute. We knew that a few of those original eight people were not in town, so we proceeded to call the rest and set up some appointments. We were able to get three appointments from that list and we were so excited about that. 

Our first appointment went perfectly. We talked about Joseph Smith and the restoration and invited her to be baptized she excepted and is scheduled to be baptized on the 5th of November! We left that lesson and had no words. Asker hasn't seen a baptism for over a year and here we were with a very positive baptismal candidate. What a miracle! That was just the first of many. 

The next day we had our second appointment from the list. We had met this guy at the hockey game and he had been coming to church ever since. We weren't 100% sure if he would commit to a date but we felt confident enough about inviting him to be baptized. The lesson started out a bit rough as he wasn't as comfortable with the Elders having to be there but we just continue to pray that the spirit would be there and that all would be well.  We began to teach him the plan of salvation and he was loving every bit of it. We only got to the part of the plan that talks about our life on earth because we began to talk about the things we must do while here on earth. It set us up perfectly to invite him to be baptized and although it started out a bit rough, the spirit was so strong when it was time for the invitation. He also excepted the invitation and he now has a date to be baptized on October 22! Of course after that lesson we were freaking out, the Elders were amazed and we were ready to conquer the world. The elders ended up having an appointment right after so Søster Love and I got to thinking what else we could do. 

We looked back at the list of names of people we thought were ready for the baptismal invitation and one name was sticking out to us, Erika. We had tried to get in contact with her to set up an appointment but we hadn't had any luck. We knew that she had school until around three and that she was usually in the center around that time. We decided to put our faith in God and try to find Erika! In the busy Asker center and invite her to be baptized. Asker is a pretty big city and there are tons of people at the center, so we were kind of asking a lot of our Heavenly Father but we knew that if he wanted it, he would make it happen. We parked our car and prayed for a miracle and headed out. We went through the mall and the library with no luck. We did run into a couple members working on family history in the library and even got one to commit to come to an appointment with us next week which was a tender mercy. We came out of the entrance of the library and Søster Peterson called us on the cell phone. We were talking to her for a bit when I looked up and realized that one of our potential investigators was sitting at the table right in front of us. We had stopped and talked to her the day we went out banking. I thought to myself, maybe this is why we are in the center today and determined that once we got off the phone we would go and talk to her, and then the real miracle happen. As we were talking to Søster Petersen, Erika walked in! I ran up to her as Søster Love quickly ended the phone call. We were able to teach her a quick lesson and invited her to be baptized she didn't commit to a day as she is going through some things right now but wow was that experience such a testimony builder for me that God is there and really knows and loves each and everyone of us. We were able to meet with Erika! in a crowded city center because He knew how much she needed us and how much we needed her. What a miracle! 

Our last appointment was on Saturday morning seeing as we had general conference the rest of the day. She was a new investigator we had just gotten from the assistants and she lived a good hour away but we were told she was ready to change her life and so we were glad to be the ones to help with that. We decided to teach her the gospel of Jesus Christ and invite her to be baptized. It was an incredible first lesson and she committed to be baptized November 19. What a miracle that Asker, who hasn't seen a baptism in over a year, now has three positive baptismal dates just from a few days of hard work and miracles. Our reward for that hard work was a weekend of General conference which was incredible. 

I would invite you all to listen to my favorite talk by Lynn G. Robbins  (the link should take you to it) and think about how you can be better able to follow Christ example. I love you all and am beyond grateful for each and everyone of you. 

Soster Blankmeyer

Elders bought us some DP



in the name

of love

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