Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Monday, October 17, 2016

Contacting, Klems (hugs), Conversion stories and Koselige Fests!

Once again, it's been quite the week for Søster Love and I here in Asker. We started out the week by teaching a family home evening lesson to a family in the ward here. They are one of my absolute favorite's. I love when you can walk into a home and just feel of the love that the family members have for one another. Whenever I walk into this family's home, I feel just that, as well as the spirit that abides there. It's so refreshing to spend time with this family. It was such a fun night for Søster Love and I to get to spend time with a family that is so welcoming and kind to us seeing as we are very far away from our own families. We were able to teach the children exactly what it is like to be a missionary and then we had them all try and be a missionary. It was so fun and the kids were naturals. It was so awesome! It actually wasn't our original plan to teach that lesson but we got there and one of the kids was expressing his worries about his future mission. So we decided to switch it up and man was that lesson just so cool! I loved it! We also got to play the game "Sorry" and even speak a little English afterwards which is always fun. Also this family is BYU cougar fans seeing as the parents attended the wonderful university so needless to say they are just the best.

Family Home Evening

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 We also got to meet with another American from our ward this past week and that was way fun as well. She is from Arizona and is actually in the motherland as we speak. She was kind enough to give us all of her Mac and Cheese before she left and even offered to bring us back something from the U.S. of A.  Thats what I like to call a tender mercy.  She really is such an incredible person and it was a blast for Soster Love and I to get to know her better and to talk with a fellow American. I hope she is enjoying her sonic Dr Pepper drink right now and just living up that American life.

On Wednesday Søster Love and I hit the streets and tried to talk to as many people as we possibly could, but before we did that we got a phone call from Søster Brostrom from the office reminding us to keep checking for mail at our old place. Being the responsible Sister Missionaries that we are, we headed straight to our old apartment and you all would never guess what we found in our mailbox! My dad's conversion story! How cool is that? I was able to read all about how my own father was able to come unto the knowledge of the gospel and eventually be baptized. It was definitely a tender moment for me and I can't wait to be able to share his experience with others here in Norway. It was absolutely perfect and I just want to take this time to give my dad a major shout out for taking the time to write that out for me and for the people here in Norway that will really benefit from hearing your experience. This is something I will definitely never forget and that letter has become one of my most prized possessions out here on my mission so thanks again for that! I would just like to share a little bit of his testimony with you all when he says, "sometimes I am asked about my joining the church or faith. I hope others can realize the true happiness the gospel of Jesus Christ brings in my life every day. While I still have good days and not so good days, I will never deny the blessings of happiness I receive every day from my Heavenly Father. I never really knew "happiness" prior to becoming baptized although, I thought I did. My happiness now is significant as it provides me joy and peace in my life. It guides me in my decisions. My life has never been the same since I joined the faith; my only regret is I didn't join the faith sooner."  Wow there is an anything quite like reading your parents conversion story or testimony. I'm on cloud nine right now. I was also on cloud nine right after reading it for the first time and was ready to go and bring that joy and peace that my dad was talking about to everyone here in Norway. 

Soster Love and I headed out to the Sandvika city center and began to talk to everyone that would listen about the gospel. We once again had the "Nei takks" (no thanks) and even got a new one when some lady said, "Jeg ikke bo her!" That didn't stop us though because we know just how important the message we are bringing is. We were able to stop a few people and had some really cool gospel conversations. After talking with this one man for a little bit he announced, "KLEM!" and went in for a hug. I think he was just happy to have someone actually listen to him and give him the time of day. We were able to share what we believe and share the joy that this gospel brings. 

To end off our week, we were able to attend the ward party. There was music, food, dancing and friends.  Man was it such a blast. I'm so glad that we were able to go. It was also quite a hoot to see Norwegian's throwing down some cha-cha-cha and country line dancing. Not quite like the stuff in Texas, but still such a good and uplifting time. I hope and pray you all have a wonderful week and know that I love you all.   The quote of the week; #IKKESTRESS


Soster Blankmeyer
Our new apartment

Classic middle school selfie!

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