Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hei hei familie og venner!

Hei hei familie og venner! Jeg er så glad i dere. Jeg bare savner dere og er veldig takknemlig for anledningen jeg har til å snakke med dere gjennom mitt blogg.  A lot has happened since last week's entry and I am happy to report that through lots of hard work we have found 3 more people who are interested in investigating the church.  With the inclusion of these 3 new investigators this week, we have doubled the amount of the investigators here in Asker, Norway and are excited to find some more people to teach. Serving here in Asker has been such a testimony builder for me and I am so lucky to be serving in this area, at this time, with these people.

Last Monday after emailing and a failed attempt of sand volleyball, we (Søster Petersen,  Eldste Rial, Eldste Sanchez and I) were invited over to our mission President's home for food and fun.  Our mission president has a rule at his home that we either share a miracle story that has happened that week or sing a song for food.  Søster Petersen and I were able to share our story of meeting Ali, which I shared in the blog last week, and then after dinner we attempted a song. At the mission home, President and Sister Hill have acquired a few ukuleles and after Eldste Rial and I got them in tune he played and the rest of us sang 'The lava song' from the movie Inside Out. We failed pretty miserably but we have been practicing some new songs for the next time we go back.  It's fun to live so close to the mission home and just another perk of serving here in Asker.  (By the way that's pronounced like the name Oscar)

Me, Søster Petersen, Eldste Daly, Eldste Rial, Eldste Sanchez and Eldste Potter

We met with one of our new investigators on Tuesday and had one of the most amazing lessons I have ever had as a missionary.  The Spirit was so strong. We had been talking about the Godhead and who God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are; when our investigator posed the question to us, "How do you know that God is there?" We sat in silence for a good couple of minutes when we finally spoke up and bore solid testimony to this woman how we had come to know that God is there and that he is real and really knows and loves us each so individually and so perfectly.  I can't even begin to describe the spirit that was in that room as we taught that lesson. As soon as she left, all we could do was fall to our knees and thank our Father in Heaven for allowing us the opportunity to be an instrument in His hands and give is the words and spirit we need to help this investigator come closer to her Heavenly Father.  It really is beyond description how amazing this work is.  That Søster Petersen and I are far from perfect but, God trusts us to be able to teach these Norwegian people, in their own language the most important knowledge we have here on the Earth.  It's incredible!

Something I have been pondering about recently regards something I read during personal study in the book, Jesus the Christ on our need for a Savior.  Talmage gives the analogy of a plant is unable to advance to the animal plane.  That's science, it just makes sense.  Though it should be recognized that the animal kingdom depends on the vegetable kingdom for its sustenance.  Therefore, if the animal were to partake of the plant then in theory it has become part of the animal organism.  The only way for this plant to be associated with this animal though is that for the higher kingdom to come down and associate itself with the plant.  So it is with us and the Savior. We as humans could not reach the higher kingdom where God resides if we didn't have Jesus Christ, who is associated with that higher Kingdom, to come down and show us the way and atone for our sins. We had to have a Savior to help us reach that higher Kingdom.  I don't know, just a thought to ponder for yourselves.

To wrap things up, we concluded this past week by eating dinner together as a district with our amazing senior couple, The Brostroms, here in Sandvika. They are such a blast and I love getting to go there every Sunday night and learn from everyone there.  I have been blessed with one of the best districts here in Norway.  I always leave the Brostrom's apartment ready and excited to do missionary work.  I am so thankful for them and for each and everyone of you back home.  keep up the good work and know you are loved.

Søster Blankmeyer

Relief Society president

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