Alma 29:9
" I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."

Friday, March 4, 2016

First Post at MTC

Hei Hei!

We are here and are doing great! The language is coming along surprisingly well and I'm loving it! My companion is Soster Dransfield and she is just so fantastic! I am the Senior companion and am excited to take on the responsibility! We also have Soster Hess, Soster Hutchings, and Eldste Nelson! He's a solo eldste so he gets to hang out with us all the time! Our P-Days are on Thursday and so you won't be hearing from me until next week but I love you all and am so excited to be a missionary finally! I'm loving the MTC!! I can't wait to progress in the language and get to Norway! We teach our first investigator tomorrow so I'll let you know how that goes next Thursday! I'm sure it'll be very interesting! Our teacher is so sweet and super patient with us and has been a big help in preparing for our lesson tomorrow! We can even say a few things! Jeg elsker deg!! I can't wait to continue this journey in the MTC and tell you all the cool experiences I am yet to have!! Talk to you all soon! 

Soster Blankmeyer


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Søster Blankmeyer,
    I hope you don’t mind me commenting on your blog. I’m sure your father mentioned me to you. He has given me some updates about you, and sent me your blog address.
    I enjoyed reading your post. Your situation is about opposite of how mine was. I was the only sister in the MTC going to Norway with a group of Elders that came to the MTC a month before me. My companion in the MTC was assigned to the Sweden Göteborg Mission, which was only open from 1976 to 1982. In the middle of her mission, the Göteborg Mission combined with the Stockholm Mission. There were also 4 sister missionaries going to Denmark, the first sisters in about 60 years, (if I recall correctly.)
    Fortunately for me, there was also a married couple going to Norway, but they had separate housing, and separate lessons. So, I didn’t see them a lot. I was sure glad to have them with me as we traveled from the US to Norway. The husband had served there 40 years earlier as a young man, so his understanding of the Norwegian language was much better than mine. The Norsk that we learned in the MTC sure didn’t sound like the Norwegian that came over the loud speakers at the airport. Not only that, there was also Danish, because we landed in Denmark first before catching another flight to Norway. If it had not been for that Senior Couple, I probably would have missed my flight and been stuck in Denmark.
    The second month in the MTC, we received 2 new sisters going to Norway, another sister going to Sweden, and one going to Finland. (If I remember correctly. It’s been 34 years.)
    While I served in Norway, I think 10 sisters was the most sisters to ever serve in Norway at one time, and the fewest was 6 sisters. I can’t wait to hear how many missionaries are serving there now.
    I am excited to follow your posts.
    Søster Shell

  3. Thank you for your comments! I will be sure to have Soster Blankmeyer post the numbers of sisters serving in Norway when she gets there. Also good to know about the travel I will tell her to pay special attention to the loud speakers at the airport. --Mom Blankmeyer
